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Theatre De La DanSe ~ info@tdld.com.au ~ 9592 0890


Enrolments are done online; if you are a new family please register here – TDLD Registration

Re-enrolment week will be held in the last week of Term. This gives current students the option to re-enrol for the next term before places are opened to new students. You will be sent an invoice prior to re-enrolment week, you must confirm classes and then pay the invoice by the due date to guarantee your place for the following term.

Please note that class places are not guaranteed from year to year as the timetable, class levels, and class eligibility changes for the majority of the school from year to year.

Age/school grades are listed on the timetable as a guideline for some classes; TDLD reserves the right to vary this according to student ability when necessary.

Parents are required to drop off and pick up their child from all classes.

TDLD cannot be held responsible for students going between classes  –  this is the responsibility of parents. TDLD cannot be held responsible for students who have a break between classes.

To Enrol or for information regarding enrolling please contact us.