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Theatre De La DanSe ~ info@tdld.com.au ~ 9592 0890


Fees are due on a term basis, except Adult classes, which can be paid for casually.
• Fees cannot be paid pro-rata except if you commence classes part way through a term.
• Class places are not guaranteed from Term to Term unless full payment is made by the invoice due date.
• Fees are not refundable; however credit notes , which can be used for future fees, may be issued if a student withdraws during the term.
• The family discount is only applicable to siblings and when payment is made by the invoice due date.
Please note – The sliding scale hourly rate fee discount may be removed if fees are not paid by the due date stated on the invoice, and fees will revert to the flat class time rate.

• Statements are emailed to the parent that enrolled the student.
• TDLD does not manage co-payments and cannot send split invoices.
• The parent enrolling the student is responsible for payments irrespective of co-parenting agreements.
• Statements will be emailed and are payable by 25 January for Term 1, and in re-enrolment week (the last week of the preceding Term) for Terms 2,3 and 4.

Make Up Classes

• Make up classes for missed lessons are at the discretion of TDLD and only where there is availability – to a maximum of 2 per term.